Deadlift: 500 lbs
Clean and Jerk: 285
CrossFit Level 1 Certification
I had a very active lifestyle growing up. Whether it was organized school sports like football and tennis, karate, or outdoor adventures like hiking, skiing, and kayaking, I did it all. After highschool, I didn't have the structure I was so used to, so I would skip around to fad programs, and try programming my own workouts for a while. I still had the urge to stay fit, but grew bored of the more traditional fitness routines. When I moved to Venezuela after college, I became friends with a bodybuilder who took me took me under his wing. I found success in that, but when we moved to another country I found myself back where I had been before. Working out by myself, and steadily losing interest.
In 2013, my Fiance and I move to Quito, Ecuador and worked at different bilingual schools. After a while, we were invited to come workout with a few of her colleagues at a CrossFit gym in town. We showed up, built out a workout on the spot, and were exhausted. We were hooked. The missing pieces of shared accountability, camaraderie, and competition were back in my fitness routine. I saw strength gains, lost weight, felt great, and made some incredible connections with good people.
My motivation in the daily pursuit of being the best version of me that I can be is my wife Rachel and daughter Ava. Being a "functionally fit" husband and father allows me to keep up with their energy, explore the outdoors, and create meaningful memories with them. If by coaching, I can help someone on their journey to be their best self, I've succeeded.