Thursday 3.26.20

June 7, 2022
Thursday 3.26.20

Link to this mornings class! Click HereThis afternoon at 4:30 will be a "How To" class where Addison will go over modifications and general Dumbbell mechanics - tune in to join us!We have a GREAT workout for you today. I am really excited for you to try this out! Coach Angela will be coaching this workout so please join us! Today, we are introducing some new movements that require precision and attention to detail. Done correctly (or taught by a good coach!) these workouts can give you an awesome strength stimulus.I know that it feels good to get the heart pumping with a long met con, however, when we look at fitness for longevity, it is important to have a well rounded program. This workout is an awesome opportunity to do some good strength work with limited equipment. I think you will be pleasantly surprised! Oh, and we are ending with a short firecracker of a met con... So get your muscles burning and then we will allow you to regroup and hit the workout hard!

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